


Pre-Kindergarten Pebbles Curriculum represents units on different values for children bridging the early childhood education with getting ready for school. The hands-on academic program gives children the ability to learn experientially, academically, and fulfills the curiosity of the young mind. The lessons are short, yet purposeful in the play and learning centers to foster large and small motor development while having fun. The pre-kindergarten is a time for exposure to a wide range of information and activities through music, movement, dramatic play, and a variety of activities that encourage children to explore the world around them.

Examples of thematic units include:

  • Acceptance

  • Empathy

  • Interdependence

  • Responsibility and Trust

  • Change

  • Relationships

  • Determination

  • Compassion

  • Generosity

Contact Us:

Phone: 770-512-8456
Fax: 770-512-8298

5123 Chamblee-Dunwoody Rd.
Atlanta, GA 30338

Click For Directions

Class Schedule:

Monday - Thursday
8:15 AM - 3:15 PM

8:15 AM - 2:00 PM

Admissions Info:

Catherine Vera